Members of the Executive Committee as of 24th June 2023

  • Jean-Pierre Charpy (Université Bourgogne Franche-Comté): national outreach
  • Mathilde Gaillard  (Université Paris 2 Panthéon-Assas): communications
  • Natalie Kübler (Université Paris Cité): international relations
  • Evgueniya Lyu (Université Grenoble Alpes): secretary general
  • Joëlle Popineau (Université de Tours): treasurer
  • Adam Wilson (Université de Lorraine): scientific monitoring
  • Séverine Wozniak (Université Lumière Lyon 2): President


Séverine Wozniak
Evgeniya Lyu
Jean-Pierre Charpy
Mathilde Gaillard
Joëlle Popineau
Aude Labetoulle
Natalie Kübler
Adam Wilson

Jean-Pierre Charpy

Mathilde Gaillard

Joëlle Popineau

Aude Labetoulle

Natalie Kübler

Adam Wilson

Executive Office

  • President: Séverine Wozniak
  • Treasurer: Joëlle Popineau
  • Secretary-General: Evgueniya Lyu


Executive Committee Task Officers

  • Philippe Millot (Université Lumière Lyon 2): Editor-in-chief of ASp
  • Caroline Peynaud (Université Grenoble-Alpes): Associate editor-in-chief of ASp
  • Catherine Colin and Manon Bouyé (ENS Paris-Saclay): Webmasters


Members at large

  • Michel Perrin: Honorary president
  • Michel Petit: Honorary president
  • Jean-Claude Bertin: Honorary president
  • Michel Van der Yeught: Honorary president
  • Monique Mémet †: Honorary president

  • Laure-Line Ribaud (Université Clermont Auvergne) and Anaïs Carnet (Université de Bourgogne): Heads of the Health SIG
  • Mary C. Lavissière and Audrey Cartron (Université de Nantes): Heads of the Law SIG
  • Philippe Millot (Université Lumière Lyon 2) and Mathilde Gaillard (Université Paris 2 Panthéon-Assas): Heads of the Economics & Management SIG
  • Evgueniya Lyu (Université Grenoble Alpes) and Sophie Belan (Université de Nantes): Heads of the DidASP SIG
  • Dacia Dressen-Hammouda (Université Clermont Auvergne) and Sue Birch (Université de Bordeaux): Heads of the L-ASP SIG
  • Caroline Peynaud (Université Grenoble-Alpes) and Adam Wilson (Université de Lorraine): Heads of the LEA-LSP SIG