Health Sciences SIG - Minutes of the October 15th, 2022 Meeting
Present: Marie Pierre Baduel, Anais Carnet, Pascaline Faure, Neil Finn, Sylvie Gautier, Françoise Laveille, Celine Longin, Lucie Maillard, Bibiane Navel, Laure Line Ribaud, Caroline Tran Van, Ros Wright.
Excused: Christiane Beaufrère, Camille Biros, Jean Pierre Charpy, Didier Debail, Lesley Graham, Solveig Leleu, Jeanne Mangialomini, Kayleigh O’Sullivan, Karen Vercellin, Susan Walters Galopin.
ANEMF : (Sarah Daubresse)
OSCE: English teachers could play the simulated patient. Difficulties in recruiting patients, examiners, administrative staff for time management, circulation of students in the corridors...
EDN: TCS are postponed due to malfunctions in the UNESS platform.
PARCOURS: the Arrêté of 21/12/2021 remains vague to ensure the freedom of med schools to help students obtain their 60 points. The drafting of an informal grid is underway by ANEMF: the mobility points and language levels are not yet drafted, but the grid clarifies the points that can be acquired via a Master’s degree, out of medicine curricula, associations. These are non-cumulative (40 pts) and include community involvement, VP status in the university, tutoring, social involvement. The allocation of points requires a committee per faculty (who?) to validate the reality of the commitment. Valuation is taken into account from the time of entry into higher education.
Créteil - the situation is not very clear. It seems that in view of this lack of answer, it is up to each faculty to decide on the implementation of this formality but that it is not necessary that the certification is nationally or internationally recognised (internal certification).
Dijon - it was decided after discussion with those in charge that certification for parcours points was not the responsibility of English teachers. However, it was understood that it should be internationally recognised (TOEIC or TOEFL type). The university has committed itself to paying for 1 certification for each student requesting it, but no one knows who will pay the bill (UFR or university, from what funds…)
Mobility :
SCOPE, SCORE and local programmes come into play.
The pathway grid of the official Arrêté is available as an attachment.
During the previous day's movement, the ANEMF counted 41% of interns on strike (+ externs). This protest movement follows the bill on the financing of social security: Art. 23 provides for a "4th year for general practitioners" 100% in ambulatory care. This reform is to apply from the start of the 2023 academic year. From the students' point of view, this reform is not viable from 2023, since there are not enough elective supervisors, nor the necessary conditions for a beneficial 4th year.
AMFB (Caroline Tran Van) See the attached powerpoint.
The last congress took place in Strasbourg, three GERAS members were present. Membership costs 30€ for doctors and 15€ for non doctors.
The scientific programme of the congress is bilingual (according to the choice of the speakers): the powerpoint is in French and the speech in English or the reverse. The theme of the presentations is free. The conferences take place in the morning, the afternoon being dedicated to tourism! Due to the lack of communication, the speakers are paid (50€).
There are two prizes in this conference:
Jacques Foray Prize: awarded every 2 years, it rewards an original work carried out in a research lab in the United Kingdom (or Commonwealth). The prize is €2,000. The next prize will be awarded in 2024, applications must be sent before May 2024.
Tudor Prize: an annual prize, awarded to students in years 2-5, with a prize of €200. Candidates must present a 10 min. talk followed by 5 min. of questions/answers. The subject is free, the costs of the congress are taken care of.
The 2023 congress will take place in Inverness, and the 2024 congress probably in Orléans. The only drawback of this congress is its price.
Ealthy (Ros Wright)
The 2022 conference took place in Belgrade. There was a change in the management of Ealthy. Ealthy will now be managed by Specialist Language Courses, which is a group of online language courses, including preparation for OET. There is a good chance that Ealthy will become more dynamic:
Webminar to come:
October: health humanities
November: long Covid and its effects on language (Hong Kong researcher)
A congress will be held every year, maybe in September, and maybe England in 2023.
The resources on the website will be updated weekly.
OET (Ros Wright)
No news for France which is still not the priority, the priority is the USA!
Caroline Tran Van indicates that the British Council is stopping its certifications in France.
Pascaline Faure presents two books: See the attached powerpoint.
- Anglais Médical 2nd edition (Ellipses) which is a remastered version
- Réussir sa consultation en anglais (Medline) which is mainly aimed at general practitioners. The book focuses on different types of patients (diabetics, psychics, anxious patients, etc.). It contains a lot of lexicon as well as standard sentences. The dialogues are available in recorded version via QR codes.
Anais Carnet presents the book OSCE - Mastering clinical reasoning & communication co-authored with an internist from Dijon University Hospital. This book is aimed at students preparing for the OSCE and targets both medical knowledge (clinical reasoning) and communication skills. The book follows 6 patients according to the OSCE stations, the recordings are also available in QR codes. See attached powerpoint.
Research project (MP Baduel)
Basim Faraj, who is a doctoral student in medical English, wants to write an article on the situation of the teaching of medical English in France. He would like to send us a questionnaire that targets medical, pharmaceutical and dental students, as well as healthcare professionals (whether or not they are teachers in the faculty). This questionnaire does not target English teachers. Basim asked us to let him know if he should add any concepts. We can then disseminate this questionnaire in our UFRs.
Group reflection: is there an equitable collaboration between professionals from the field and language teachers?
First of all, it seems that this collaboration is mainly pedagogical:
MONTROUGE & GARANCIERE: the collaboration is with the head of the UE LCA: the English course allows the clearing of articles in English before the course in French
TOULOUSE: a semiotics workshop is given in tandem
CRETEIL: there is a desire for English to be aligned with the programmes of other subjects + collaboration in LCA + conferences are held in person and given by an ATER
POITIERS: staff meetings were organised in pneumology with the English teacher and the pneumologist + lectures are given in English with a French PU
CLERMONT: LCA is done in pairs: the English teacher comes first to clear the way, then the doctor teaches critical reading in French
LIMOGES: LCA + doctors intervene in class for clinical cases + M2 public health
DIJON: courses in collaboration with the language teacher / doctor to train in OSCE and rounds, collaboration in pharmacy is more occasional, during TP for example. There is occasional collaboration in the writing of university textbooks.
TOURS: preparation of staff meetings + research: lab visits, writing articles
The compensation requested by the doctors is often the translation or proofreading of articles. Collaboration seems to be seen only from the point of view of pedagogy. Doctors do not think about English teachers outside of class.
Redesign of the DFGSM2 and DFGSM3 courses in Dijon (Lucie Maillard & Anais Carnet)
The objective of this redesign is to (re)motivate students and teachers by offering courses in the form of a pathway. Students must choose one written and one oral course per year from a list of choices:
Oral: scientific communication in congresses, introduction to OSCE, medical news, representation of medicine in TV series.
Written: introduction to LCA, prevention, representation of health in literary fiction.
The implementation of such a design is time-consuming and can be administratively complex (respecting student choice, group formation, course allocation for teachers). However, at mid-semester, the results are quite positive.
FlexiSanté (Neil Finn)
This appears to be an online resource library. The project is supported by the MESR (according to the FlexiSanté website), and is more or less like the Hybridium project. Teachers are asked to create content for a small fee. The rule is: for the creation of 2 contents, the teacher has access to all the contents of the platform.
This debate reopens the debate on Mischool and other online learning platforms for specialised English.
School of Dentistry (Françoise Laveille)
Several "schools" of dentistry are being created, but these are without staff, teachers, or research labs. The question is simply how can/will it work? Rouen is going to become a partner of the UFR of Odontology in Paris to provide its courses and create its content. This partnership has been imposed, but the details are not clear.
The next GERAS conference will be held from 23 to 25 March 2023 at ENS Paris Saclay on the theme Cultures, Mémoires and héritages en anglaise de spécialité.
We would like to thank Pascaline Faure once again for her hospitality and logistical organisation.